Algaenium Webdesign

Web design with a focus on the limitless energy possibilities of algae to arouse fascination and enthusiasm for sustainable solutions.

ProjectUni Webdesign projectDomainUI DesignTimeframeJanuary 2021

⸻ Web Design

The Potential of Algae

The pursuit of clean, efficient, and sustainable energy has become central to the energy transition since the advent of industrialization and the rapid growth of the global population. However, traditional energy production from fossil fuels relies on finite resources and contributes to climate change through the release of pollutants. Alongside sustainable alternatives like solar and wind power, harnessing energy from biomass holds significant potential for a sustainable energy future.

Currently, extensive research is underway exploring innovative technologies related to algae utilization. Initial findings and pilot projects demonstrate the myriad possibilities inherent in algae, often referred to as the “power plants” of the future. This project delves into the significance and implications of an information campaign focused on “Algae in Future Energy Technologies,” developed as part of the university course “Future Energy – Energy of Tomorrow.”

My involvement

Design and creation of a website with Adobe XD. Creation of visuals with Illustrator.

Documentation - in German

Open Book